Canadian International Nanny Association expects high standard of professionalism from Caregivers, Educators and Employment Agencies. Every member of CINA is requested to abide the code of conduct to maintain the prestige of the caregiving industry in Canada. All those related with this field should make every effort to maintain the high standards throughout as it is well said “Simple act of CARING is HEROIC”

Must provide services with respect, safety, professionalism and honesty.
Must safeguard the privacy of the families and colleagues.
Must refer employers to where appropriate (e.g don’t offer medical advice)
Must remain updated with latest rules and regulations.
Must truthfully do the job duties and as per the employment contract.
Must value social equality and diversity in the community.
Must co-operate with employers, educators and employment agencies.
Employment agencies/Consultants:
Must be licensed as per the set criteria of the country and maintaining the licensing and other required documentation at any given point of time.
Must maintain high standards of professionalism while dealing with caregivers, employers and agencies.
Must provide professional, honest & timely service to Caregivers, Employers and agencies.
Must inform caregivers about their job duties and rules/regulations of working in Canada.
Must understand the needs of the families and accordingly advice them.
Must maintain privacy of families and caregivers at all times.
Must not solicit clients through false or misleading communications or advertisements in any form (written/oral/electronic). Including but not limited to incomplete description of product and services.
May act as a mediator between caregiver and family when appropriate.
Must inform families about the agency’s procedures.
Must let the families know about their responsibilities as employers.
Must communicate effectively with caregivers, employers and other agencies
Must be licensed and qualified as per the set criteria of the country and maintaining the licensing and other required documentation at any given point of time.
Educators must work within the framework of relevant legislation and regulations.
Must act in best interest of students.
Must actively maintain their professional knowledge and understanding to ensure it is current.
Must maintain high standards of practice and curriculum in relation to pupil/student learning.
Must provide proper & honest education to the Caregiver.
Must inform caregivers about their job duties and rules/regulations of working in Canada.
Must not solicit clients through false or misleading communications or advertisements in any form (written/oral/electronic). Including but not limited to incomplete description of course details.