Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is the department of the government of Canada with responsibility for matters dealing with immigration to Canada, refugees, and Canadian citizenship.
You usually need a work permit to work in Canada. In some cases, you can work without a permit.
Work in Canada temporarily
CIC/IRCC calculates processing times from the day we receive an application to the day it makes a decision on the application. When estimating how long you will wait to receive a temporary visa, you must also take into account up to 10 days of transit or delivery time on top of our processing time.
Processing times
If you hire a caregiver, baby-sitter, or domestic worker, you may be considered to be the employer of that person. As an employer, you have responsibilities in the employment relationship between you and the person.
Employers: Payroll for Caregivers
In Canada, the rights of all workers are protected by law. It is important that you understand your rights while you are in Canada as a temporary foreign worker.
Temporary foreign workers: Your rights are protected
Doing your taxes does not need to be difficult. Follow the guide to help make the process easier, so you can get all the benefits and credits you are entitled to.
Doing your taxes