Caring for Children Program
The Caring for Children Program ended on June 18, 2019. If you submitted a complete application before June 18, IRCC will continue to process it.
If you’re a caregiver who has been caring for children in Canada, you may be eligible for the Home Child Care Provider Pilot.
Caring for People with High Medical Needs Program
Caring for People with High Medical Needs Program ended on June 18, 2019. If you submitted a complete application before June 18, IRCC will continue to process it.
If you’re a caregiver who has been working in Canada as a home support worker, you may be eligible for the Home Support Worker Pilot.
Interim Pathway for Caregivers
The Interim Pathway for Caregivers ended on October 8, 2019. If you submitted an application before or on October 8, we’ll continue to process it.